Student Services
Library Services and Resources
KCP has two separate libraries, the basic education library and the college library. Their common mission is to provide quality resources and innovative services that sustain and encourage the academic endeavors of the institution.
1. Provide conducive learning environment to diverse users;
2. Facilitate users to locate and use information resources effectively and efficiently;
3. Acquire and update all library resources that support the academic endeavors of the institutions;
4. Collaborate with other institutions as a cost-effective means of expanding the resources and services;
5. Upgrade physical and technological infrastructure to enhance quality services; and
6. Build various forms of learning resources to cater the needs of its generation.

Offered Services
Library Hours
KCP Libraries are open from 8:00 AM—5:00 PM, Monday to Friday, and on Saturday 8:00AM—12:00NN. The library is closed on Sundays and holidays.
Circulation Services
All library resources are open for use to all bona-fide member of kcp employees, students, alumni and outside researchers as permitted by the library rules & regulations.
Circulation Services
All library resources are open for use to all bona-fide member of kcp employees, students, alumni and outside researchers as permitted by the library rules & regulations.
Reference services/ Information Literacy
Librarians are readily available to give assistance or instruction in using the library, including locating materials, using the library catalog, using computers to access information, and using basic reference sources.