Compassion | Humility | Respect | Integrity | Service | Thankful
The Office of Extension Services at King’s College of the Philippines was established in February 2017. Since its foundation, Extension Services has been vital in delivering programs and projects to benefit the community and its stakeholders. KCP is committed not only to producing quality graduates but also to improving the quality of life for its community beneficiaries.
1. provide opportunities for KCP students, employees and alumni to be active change agents in social, political and environmental development;
2. provide opportunities for KCP students, employees and alumni to be active change agents in social, political and environmental development;
3. increase partner communities’ awareness and adaptive strategies on the current social issues/problems through seminars;
4. promote the spirit of volunteerism among stakeholders; and
5. uphold fellowship among KCP and the community partners and/or organizations.

Spiritual Development
Under the Human and Social Empowerment Key Result Area, this program focuses on promoting spiritual, moral, and emotional growth. It includes activities such as the Evangelism Program, Jail Visitation, Mission Outreach, and Religious Counseling to support individual empowerment.
Health Care Support Program
As part of the Human and Social Empowerment Key Result Area, this program promotes physical health and wellness. KCP Health Care Services offers Personal Hygiene support, Free BP and Sugar Monitoring, Free Blood Typing, and Exercise activities like Zumba.
Act of Love Program
Under the Socio-Civic Support Key Result Area, this program aims to support disadvantaged sectors and bring relief to disaster victims. KCP’s Act of Love Programs include Adopt-a-Home, Senior Citizen support, Mass Weddings, DSWD Family Food Packs, LTAD, Gift-Giving to PWDs, 4Ps, Solo Parents, schools, as well as book donations, blood donations, and feeding programs.
Rebuilding, Renovation, and Repainting
Part of the Economic Development Key Result Area, this program focuses on providing infrastructure support for socio-economic growth. KCP's initiatives include the Brigada Eskwela Program (renovation of comfort rooms), renovation and repainting of waiting sheds, and installation of barangay signages at road boundaries.
Literacy Program
This program aims to provide opportunities for developing basic skills in reading, writing, and arithmetic. KCP's Literacy Programs include the ALS Literacy Program, Nutrition Literacy Program, Computer Literacy Program, and Adopt-a-School Literacy Program.
Educational Support Program
This program provides essential assistance to enhance learning. KCP's Educational Programs include a Bookkeeping Workshop for cooperative and store owners, Library Programs, and Computer Repair and Maintenance Services.
Envionmental Awareness and Projescts
This program promotes environmental awareness through seminars, workshops, and film presentations on key issues. KCP also implements various environmental projects such as clean-up drives, tree planting, and waste management. Initiatives include the Adopt-a-Street, Adopt-an-Estero, Adopt-a-Forest, Adopt-a-Tree/Child, Eco-Tourism, Beautification Program, and the School Lights Off Program (12 noon to 1:00 pm).
Entrepreneurship/ Livelihood Programs
This program aims to promote viable industries and innovations to boost economic activity. KCP's Entrepreneurship/Livelihood Programs include Siomai and Puto Making, Donut and Cookie Production, Pizza and Cinnamon Roll making, and Cooperative Assistance.

Connect With Us

Monday and Friday (8:00AM – 5:00PM)
Saturday (8:00AM – 12:PM)

1st Floor at the Main Building.