Student Services
Wellness and Counselling Center
Wellness and Counselling Center
The Wellness and Counselling Center, under the supervision of the Vice President for Academic Affairs and supported by the School Psychologist, provides welfare assistance programs to students on matters related to personal, social, academic, psychological, emotional and career concerns.
1. Assist the students in their search for identity by providing an avenue for them to identify, express and share their distinctive traits with others.
2. Provide situations for the students that could help them interact well with others through socially responsible behavior.
3. Expose the students to different career opportunities that would guide and help them decide logically, prudently and cleverly on what courses are best suited for their capabilities, aptitude and interest.
4. Provide data base for every student to help the administrators make decisions in their overall educational planning or appropriate interventions to address the academic needs of their students.
5. To conduct studies that will assist the deans, teachers and guidance counselor to understand students better by utilizing test/research data.

Individual Inventory
Collects, evaluates, and interprets data to uncover the unique qualities and potential of each individual. We are eager to learn more about you through this structured process of personalized data analysis!
Information Services
Provides students with personal-social information that will help them develop their personality and social life. We provide you with the necessary learning’s outside the classroom setting which can help you with your personal, social, academic and other aspects of your life
Counseling and Student Development Facilitation Service
Assist students bring about meaningful awareness and understanding of the self and environment, improve planning and decision making, formulate new ways of behaving, feeling and thinking for problem resolution and/ or development. We assist you in bringing out a meaningful awareness and understanding about yourself which could help you in solving your own issues and concerns.
Referral Service
Assists students in obtaining services for other people or agencies that might be in a better position to respond to their peculiar needs. We assist clients in obtaining the best possible service from other people when it’s out of our expertise.
Placement Service
Help student find a place that will contribute to t their physical, mental, emotional, spiritual health and well-being so that they can be happy, contributing members of society. We want to help you find a place that will help bring out the best in you in the employment world.
Follow-Up Service
Determines the updated status of the person who had received assistance must be rendered so that the service is complete and holistic. We want to determine your status so we can render assistance if need be.
Testing Service
Helps students know more about themselves through valid and reliable tests given by qualified personnel. We like to assist you in learning about yourself through valid and reliable psychological assessments.
Other Service
Telecounseling, Podcast/Posting on FB page, Releasing of Good Moral Certificate, Exit Interviews for graduating and transferee students, Development of Student Peer Facilitators Organization

Connect with Us

Monday to Friday (8:00AM – 5:00PM) Saturday (8:00AM – 12:PM)

D402 Ebenezer Convention Center, King’s College of the Philippines