College of Arts in Theology

The Bachelor of Arts in Theology is a four-year degree program designed primarily for those who felt the calling of God for them to be in the pastoral ministry, theological education, or religious vocation. Graduates of this program can also serve as values teachers in public or private schools.
The program subscribes to Evangelical and Reformed theology. It emphasizes and balances theological knowledge, spiritual development, and ministerial skills of students. Also, the program is recognized by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED), which qualifies graduates to take professional education subjects for licensure examination and teaching work in private and public schools, or pursue graduate studies in universities, or in other fields. Further, scholarships and school fee discounts are available for the program.

The Bachelor of Arts in Theology is a four-year degree program designed for those called to pastoral ministry or religious vocations, emphasizing Evangelical and Reformed theology, and preparing graduates for roles as values teachers while qualifying them for licensure exams and further studies, with available scholarships and fee discounts.